Strategic Minded Leader Development Education, And Training Programs on Specified Topics, Length, and Delivery Modes
Personalized Executive Coaching (On Site/Remote/Combination) On Strategic Health Leadership: Competencies, Initiatives, Career Development
Small Events: e.g. workshops, meetings, seminars, training planning and facilitation services for development of strategic or operational plans
Conduct Strategy, Futuring, and Scenario Development, Design, Analysis, and Execution sessions; includes “Red Teaming” – critical assessment and feedback
Facilitate Design, Development, Implementation, or Evaluation of strategic initiatives, CQI projects, action plans, and qualitative research
Develop and Implement Strategic Communication And Outreach Campaign Planning for Implementation of Projects
Business Development, Research, Proposals, and Reports including white papers (problem/solution), case studies, and other publications
Design, implement, gather and “synthesize” large amounts of unstructured data e.g. words, phrases, paragraphs into themes for analysis, themes, trends, narratives