Air Force Medical Service (AFMS)
2017Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) – consulted on development of improvements to the Medical Group Commander’s course and strategic minded leader development at Air University,...
Air Force Medical Service Corporate Headquarters
2012Air Force Medical Service Corporate Headquarters – Strategic Health Communication, Strategy Development, and Executive Coaching (public speaking, policy analysis, strategic planning, quality improvement )...
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
2017-2018American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) – 2nd year of delivering Gimme SHELDR: Preparing Strategic Health Leaders (SHELDR) seminar; development of strategic minded leaders using...
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH)
2013-2016Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) – multiple business and contract proposals for government contracts with the Military Health Systems (MHS) and Air Force Medical Service (AFMS)...
City of Martinsburg
2022-2023City of Martinsburg and Other Agencies – created a guide and toolkit to solving the Eastern Panhandle’s housing crisis: identifying the most vulnerable populations, quantifying...
Health and Human Services Collaborative (HHSC)
2018-2023Chair and Consultant, Health Work Group, Health and Human Services Collaborative (HHSC), Family Resource Network of the Panhandle, West Virginia (3 Counties); consulted with several...
Kaiser Permamente Health System
2017Kaiser Permamente Health System, Bakersfield, CA – Conducted research establishment of research and evaluation plan to assess, track, synthesis and report results of Cultural Transformation...
Kaiser Permamente Health System
2020Kaiser Permamente Health System, Bakersfield, CA – Planned, conducted, and co-facilitated Leadership Ethos Development workshop...
LeTourneau University (LETU)
2012-2015LeTourneau University (LETU) – designed curricula and lesson plans, developed courses to establish accredited Master of Health Administration (MHA) program; taught 7 required courses as...
National Defense University (NDU)
2014National Defense University (NDU) – developed transformation plan to establish Global Health, Chair and Military Health System (MHS) health function and curricula...